Thursday, December 13, 2007


-breast cancer. full mastectomy.
-partial hysterectomy
-another biopsy means a partial mastectomy on the other.
-"slight" stroke some time when i'm in college (she kept me in the dark on this one)
-falls in the middle of the night while getting up to go to the bathroom, busts her nose and head. ambulance workers can't get nose to stop bleeding, emergency room.
-has allergic reaction to new medication that contains sulfas. heart races, sweats, and what-not. ambulance to emergency room.
-falls off of a school bus during a field trip. breaks arm.
-while shopping at a major department store, a clothing rack falls on her, which in turn knocks her over into another display that also falls on top of her. bruised up, but nothing broken.
-bad depression for most of her 40s and 50s - pretty much all of my K-12 schooling plus college years. (in a way i could talk about for hours, but don't speak a second of, this probably shaped me as a person more than anything else in my entire life.)
-a "tuck further up inside her" surgery on her bladder and other womanly parts.
-further removal of some organs
-gallbladder removed
-spinal operation for some herniated discs in her neck. gets a partial fusion on (i think)c4 and c5, plus some "cadaver bone" to help strengthen things.

and now the latest...
-another ambulance trip and 2 nights in the hospital due to bad abdominal pains. possibly has liver damage due to prescription for tylenol being to high for her age.

This is the life of my mother.

i want a good stretch of time.

even just a few years with nothing to worry about.

a free pass for my dad's aching heart.

warm smiles and grandkids and no worries.

music: golden smog (jeff tweedy's songwriting and performance).
video: someone else. thank you.

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