Saturday, October 25, 2008

EX-CH-AN-GE at quad city arts

the reception/party for EX-CH-AN-GE was last night, and the show looks great. the exhibit is one of those old slightly dada-style collaboration games, kind of like an "Exquisite Corpse." see, the four artists in the show — Steve Banks, Terry Rathje, Heidi Hernandez, and Jeff Tady — all worked on a painting together, but in pairs. i'll let Steve Banks explain it better:

Each of the artists started a total of eight paintings. Then, they gave two of those pieces to each artist to finish (keeping two of their original works to complete from start to finish). In turn, they received two paintings from each artist to complete. The show explores that creative area that an image-maker can only reach with the insights of another artist.

if you'd like a peek at some stand-alone shots of the work, go here:

otherwise, here are photos from the reception. click on these thumbnails for a larger view...

this is absolutely my favorite piece in the show. Steve Banks & Heidi Hernandez, title unknown:

Heidi Hernandez & Terry Rathje:

Quad City Times' Melissa Coulter & exhibiting artist Steve Banks as Gumby, Dammit! :

Steve Banks & Heidi Hernandez:

Terry Rathje & Jeff Tady:

Terry Rathje & Heidi Hernandez:

pretty decent crowd:

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